rainy days and sundays
Check in: Jian & Suan

jian's here in london for a few days (the eternal globe trotter just flew in from chicago-LA (where spent time with fellow biatch al)-madrid and is feeling a bit sh*te coz she's down with the flu)...how she managed to lug her 2 huge bags from LA to madrid to London totally amazed me...anyway, this is a post from the both of us, to start the ball rolling - we would LOVE to see some entries from the rest of you lot...) Check out Jian's luggage - all 41 kg's of it!!!

today was a typical day in london - REaLLY REALLY wet, dull and grey (although we were blessed with intermittent sunshine) - so we decided to do a bit of museum hopping (being the very cultured biatches) we are...HOWEVER, we woke up at around noon and only got to leave the flat at around 2pm hungry... and so started a series of detours... Detour no. 1: Carluccio's, italian resto, somewhere off oxford street..we had spaghetti vongole (yum Yum)... there was a particulary gorgeous maitre d' who caught suan's eye (yum yum yum). lunch was good, but it wasn't quite enough, so we both shared more yummy dessert - chocolate and kahlua pudding with vanilla ice cream & some sorbet too...

Detour no. 2: By the time we left Carluccio's it was already 4pm...walking towards Trafalgar Square from lower Oxford Street can be quite a bore so we decided to go into Zara (a picture of a dress caught both our attention) - that was when it started going downhill...we spent more than an hour looking and trying on clothes and when we finally paid up (jian got 2 pairs of shoes, a shirt dress and a satin top, and i got 3 tops which i will never be able to wear in british weather, a dress and a work blouse) it was nearly 5.30pm - time flies when you're having fun!!!!! we were never going to make it to t-square by 6pm, so on to the next stop (which was 2 mins away!) we went!!
Detour no. 3: H&M - last minute shopping frenzy before the store closed - we managed to still buy 3 items each (jian got pj's and 2 tops and i managed to find a lovely skirt, PJ's and some sleveless kimono-inspired top)..arghghghg...i ALWAYS go mad when i'm shopping with jian - it's like some force (the shopaholic force of jian) comes over me and i just buy buy buy!!!!

Highlight of the day: In the evening we went for a 'Haunted tour of london' which started off at the Monument tube station and then ended at st. pauls...it was quite an interesting walk lasting about 2 hours - the guide was a willem dafoe lookalike who was a very detailed storyteller - the word "tips" apparently originated from the first coffee house in london, which was quite popular in those days (nothing has changed then!) and they had to leave a box outside the coffee house which was labelled 'To Insure Prompt Service' for customers to put some money in so that they could get their coffee ASAP...there were other random bits of 'oh, how interesting' facts such as the phrase 'saved by the bell' came from when people were afraid of being buried alive and so, coffins were made to have bells which were connected above ground and if these bells were rung, it meant that whichever coffin they were connected to had an alive person in there...can't remember all the random snippets, but we won't bore you guys any longer!! OK, so it wasn't exactly a SCARY tour, but we had some fun nonetheless


check out suan's jap tourist wannabe pose)...

All in all, a good day spent - when are the rest of you lot coming to visit suan??
Who the heck is william dafoe???
al - check him out:
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