tuesday nights..

check in: Al
So, suan was telling me there were problems uploading pictures. It was way too long.. and she had problems uploading multiple pictures... I think i might have found a "slight" solution. For those of u using Picasa, you can select the pictures you want (use ctrl for multiple pics), and click on "Blog this" at the bottom of the page.... sign in.. and it will go straight to this blog site. A little faster and a little easier....but it still takes relatively long to upload. (Thats how i uploaded the pic above - that was when i was in Florence last Sept.)
Just had a chance to chat with Steph... and we both agreed that we had nothing to blog about... Blogless. Life here is pretty much just work, eat, sleep, work, eat sleep and some shopping in the weekends.... but, sometimes i do try to sprinkle in some brushing teeth and watching tv inbetween the work, eat sleep. Still, i am happy - that i'm even able to sleep. From the looks of it, jian and suan don't even have a chance to sleep. :P Those two biatches are truly workaholics. :) For me, a 10 hour workday is an eternity....!!
So, i know jian works like heck and shops like hell...! Is the eternal globe trotter.. and looks a helluva lot better now that she put on some weight.. (she's one hot chick now! watch out Malaysia's Next Top Model!) She no longer just eat cornflakes and actually enjoys a good bown of yummy pasta. She came to visit me about two weeks ago.. actually.. she came to shop.. and just needed somewhere to crash! :P She also brought a chinese virus and because of her i had to call in sick (which btw has never happened since i started working... at least not intentionally that is). As usual, we had a blast shopping.. spent a years pay in one day and probably now have to apply for welfare.... but luckily.. they were all great buys! So.. am not even a little bit regretful. :) (Jian, still cant wait for this darn rain to stop, the sun to come out and wear those hot skirts we got from Max studio!!!) :)
As for Suan, the last time i saw her was in KL. Shes working her bootie off at her accounting job.. and looks like she's having lots of fun... though she'll never admit it. Everytime when i get a chance to chat with her.. she gets caught by her boss.. and out comes her tiu nia mah chau hais. heheheh. I finally went to visit her in london last year.. before going to Europe.. as usual.. we had a blast.. eating great food (if you guys go visit her... you should ask Alvin to bring u eat crabs with that salted egg stuff.. YUMMY!), shopping and did a wee bit of culture... culture not as important as food and shopping..hehe. In KL, met up with her and jian a couple of times.. mamaking (great fried fish) and we went to a track day at sepang and had also met up with Jamie. We were quite goofy then... suan and jamie were modelling like those jap chics.. u know? Also went to visit her house for CNY... actually the real reason we went there was for the Ang Pows and good food lah. (Yes, it's still always about the food with me).
Now to Esther.. met up with her a couple of times too in kl. As far as i know, she's still busy consulting. When i was in KL, if you go out with her, must make appointment wan u know. :) Had asked her out for lunch once, but ended up having breakfast a la bodega in bsc.. cause she had to go for a seminar and pick up a check. Made me feel so inferior lah.. i never get to say things like, "sorry, im booked. Seminar at noon. Pick up my big fat check too!" hehehhe. :) Oh, for those of u who don't know, Esther straigtened her hair.. and looks like another hot chick.. That chick got manicure, pedicure... spend a FORTUNE on foundation... and looks hot hot hot. VaVaVoom! :) I consider myself pretty lucky lah.. hair oredi straight.. can't imagine going through all that beauty regimen.. :) Pedicure and manicure for me consists of my scholl nail clipper and my brother hanging around to nibble on my cut nails.. hehehehhe.. kidding kidding.. must add a little drama, no? :)
I met with Lara once in Telawi Street Bistro. Another bz chick i tell u.... whats with you all lah.. work so damn hard... take it easy mannnn.. laze around lah.. do nothing.. waste your life abit mah.. don't make me feel so bad about myself :) Anyway, Lara doesnt look like she aged one bit.. she still have that youthful look and still looks so adorable :) Lara, hear you're doing the big move to Sydney to the end of the year... bests of lucks!!! Try not to kill stephanie too quickly, ok? Make sure you use all ur CSI skills to the best.. remember to wear gloves and all u know.. dig a shallow grave.. so that the dingos can smell her and hopefully eat up the evidence.. know what i mean? :P Nyway... best of lucks.. hopefully will able to see you before u leave? maybe?
Hmm.. who else.. I don't know what the hell happened to Janice. I only hear from her when she is transiting in LAX and want to meet up for lunch/dinner. We catch up for two hours, she leaves her jacket at the restaurant, just before she's about to give the officer her passport i'd scream at her asking her where her jacket is, she'd jump in absolute shock, speechless for a bit then will realize she left it in the restaurant, we'd run back to the restaurant, the jacket would usually still be there, we'd pick it up, and go back to her boarding the plane again. HEhe.. from the looks of it, despite being the next nobel prize winner, janice is still janice, will always leave a jacket and a little bit blur-blur. :) Good ol jan!
Then there is steph.. i have not talked to her for AGES.. until 2 hours ago that is. :) She's all happy that Suan knighted her with Honorary Bitch. Don't get to excited ok Steph.. honarary bitch means u are the lowest ranking bitch, meaning, you run errands for us.. u know.. buy nasi lemak for us in the morning.. steal ciggs for us when we are low in cash.. do all the dirty jobs. OK? As usual.. she's still dorky as ever. I havent talked to her in years maybe, first thing she said was "I want a polo shirt. With a big big horse!" If i didnt know Steph as well as i do, that would have sounded like she was flirting with me. :P hehehe.. But, she is only an honarary bitch for a reason.. her innocence and dorkiness. :)
As for Val, errr.. i keep up with Val's life from her blog... purejade something something. (I bookmarked it u know.. u better be honored) I don't know 90% of the ppl she talks about though.. but her blog is pretty interesting lah.. and she always talks about food.. so thats a big plus. Hehe. Keep up the good work Val.. i especially like ur pasar malam foods. :) Val also looks helluva great.. she looks like one of those SEXY japanese anime.. always with the big eyes and the sexy pose... and the boobages lah.. the boobages are essential element lah :) Val, i don't really know what u are doing now.. i know ur not with BI anymore.. so.. no more employee discount. DAMN! :) You should go work for Forever 21 lah.. i hear they are opening one in KL..... if you do and get a employee discount.. i swear i'd be ur best friend for life! :)
ok.. thats all i know about the comings and goings of everyone. As for me.. next blog lah.. :) tired oredi.. I AM still sick ok.. remember that darn chinese bug jian brought???!!!!
lotsa love, al

Al!! you got your facts wrong!
ONE - I didn't get sick from a Chinese bug - it was a Chicago (or maybe British) bug!
TWO - I was only at your place last week - not two weeks ago!! Have you already forgotten?!?!
THIRD - my, my - once you get started you just keep going on and on and on and on...;)
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