Check in @ 12.24 p.m.
Since Allison and Suan have gone to all this trouble, I figured I should post something. So:
Trivia #1:
I have to attend a lecture by a guest speaker, Simon Jarvis (Senior Lecturer at Cambridge), at 5:00 p.m., titled "Is there a Philosophy of Verse?"
Trivia #2
I am currently listening to Unkle Bob's "The Hit Parade" and Josh Ritter's "Girl in the War," introduced to me by my favourite radio programme. (OK, the only radio programme I more or less religiously follow: Iain Anderson of Radio Scotland.)
Trivia #3
The night before last, a group of friends and I gathered for the express purpose of improving our French auditory comprehension--in other words, it's pretty much a French movie group. We watched a movie misleadingly titled Look at Me (misleading because the original French title is Comme Une Image), a gem of a comedy about a charmingly self-centered, neglectful father, and his fat, neglected daughter whom he characterizes as "anger on wheels."
Last night, I watched Brokeback Mountain. After having missed it when it was released in the cinemas, missed it when it was re-released in the run-ups to the Oscars, and missed all the angry hype about it when it didn't win Best Picture at the Oscars, I apparently also missed its point after finally watching it. Can anyone say slow (read: boring), sappy, and sentimental? Heath Ledger's mumbling, so widely-acclaimed, also meant that I couldn't hear half of the film (the Heath Ledger half). For those interested, Ang Lee's other gay movie is much better.
Trivia #4
I sleep at home, but live here:

OK, not in the tower. The building to the left, which is Olin Library, one of the two humanities libraries at Cornell.
Trivia #5 (best for last)
Upon doing some research into Malaysian restaurants in NYC, on account of a quick upcoming sojourn there to catch the last of a Goya exhibition at the Frick, I discovered a restaurant there named Proton Saga. Should I risk it?
Trivia #6 (post-scriptum)
It's friggin' April and still barely more than zero degrees here. Where, oh where, is global warming?
Check out: 12.43 p.m. /J
hey j,
glad to see you've joined us on this mission - when are the others going to start blogging???? wonder if it were such a great idea after seemed like one at the time! anyway, i hope you're well!
Janice!! Ok Proton Saga IS a very dodgy name for a Malaysian restaurant but it did peek my curiosity to check out the menu! So I say go for it! And let us know what comes out of it!
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