28 going on 16
baaa baaa white (dog?)

The sheep that thinks it's a dog - let's name him FluffyBallz

Wandering in the farm with my pink wellies & the lovely man

Having a go on the 40-year old tractor - I can be a farmer!!

'I wandered lonely as a cloud'...who said clouds were lonely!! What a glorious day...
My fellow biatches - Thank you thank you thank you for all the birthday (and unbirthday in J's case) wishes !!! It was so thoughtful of you busy lot to call and send me the text messages/emails/cards/pressies. So thanks again for remembering.
Seeing that I had been working my arse off, A decided to reward me with a weekend trip to a farm near Oxford (not for the faint hearted) as a birthday pressie in hopes that I get to have some relaxation. The weather was so perfect throughout (although it did rain Malaysian-monsoon style all of Saturday night). We had great fun making friends with the farm owner's dogs & hens (the horses were kept quite far away) and some random sheep (Fluffyballz) which acted more like a dog. Fluffyballz was christened as such because (surprise! surprise) it had the largest and fluffiest knackers we had ever seen on any living creature!!! haha...I had such a relaxing weekend and didn't want the it to end, but alas, I have to work to pay the bills etc, so here I am, back in mad London...
Meeting up with Al during the latter part of the week - she's somewhere in Europe now, doing her annual touristy thing...will update you lot when we finally meet!
x suannie

your sexy pose on the tractor could be the centrefold for Farmer's Illustrated!!
fan of fluffyballz
eh, fan of fluffyballz, you got a name or any contacts at Farmer's Illustrated? I want to fulfil my lifetime dream of being a centrefold model. pllleaaaaasseeeeeeeee?
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