Suannie the football hooligan

(super) frank lampard takes the corner

chelsea team regroup after their 2nd goal

mad chelsea fans - can you spot suannie???
biatches - with the exception of dear ol aliku and jian, WHERE the hell has everyone been?? i have been quite busy with (eek!) work. i know, i know, 'no excuses' right? well it wasn't just work - my mom and aunt (which means double dose of madness) came to visit me for about 2 and half weeks and just left about a week you can say that i've been kept busy with them too...alas, i got my freedom back and became a football hooligan during the weekend. it was the first ever football (or them american gits like aliku may refer to the game as 'soccer') game i went to was quite an experience - towards the end of it, i joined in and started chanting 'super super frank super frankie lampard' with the rest of the chelsea fans!!! i can say now that it's well addictive!!! it was really fun too. i never realised how much frustration i had to vent (largely due to - you guessed it, yep! mom & aunt visiting!!) until the game!! i totally suggest a good session of shouting till you lose your voice completely (OK, maybe leave some of your voice for dealing with phonecalls and general conversation, and in j's case, tutorials)..
time to sign off. suannie is totally without voice but totally happy with it!

suan... ah the excitment of live football... it fantastic, except no replay (too reliant on ESPN replays already, hee hee).
next time we should try to watch la liga live - expecially real madrid - not for beckham, but for canavarro... my fave italian hunk!
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