Race for life - give give give!!!

me and my apt "i Love fat boys" t-shirt, running on the ex-Fiat factory test track

doing my stretches - i am becoming so inflexible these days!

futuristic looking helipad on the test track

ex-fiat factory test track - take 4
my fellow generous biatches,
i will be running two 5km races in early july - the second is for cancer research. if you feel like i deserve a bit of encouragement, please sponsor me - all the money goes to a very good cause and don't feel as if it's not enough. even £5 helps!
you can sponsor by clicking http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/suanong
thanks for your help and support!

GOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo Suan!!!
I lurrrve that photo of you stretching!! And, you've collected more than DOUBLE of what you aimed for, my dear--you're still hitting us up for cash??? :P Oh well. Broke grad student here, so 10 pounds will have to suffice. Maybe that'll like pay for...I dunno...a test tube?
hey j,
thanks for your sponsorship - eh, i already said lah, even £5 helps. so your £10 is more than enough really. i think my relatives have put too much hope on me. i might just collapse on that day!!!
thanks again!!
ruuuuuuuunnnnnnnn, suaaaaannnnnn ruuuuuuuuuunn....
i can barely support myself. maybe i should start a "help valerie fund"...hmmm...
hey val,
did the 'run' today - and am totally knackered!! did one on tuesday too and realised i had muscles in places where i never knew muscles could exist coz EVERY part of my body was aching for 2 days after! it's not so bad today though!
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