Weddings galore
Hey folks,
Am finally back in Ithaca, after a 7-week trip to see my brother get hitched...twice! Fortunately, it was to the same girl. Yup, the bloke has finally tied the knot. I'm just waiting for him to start procreating now. Here's a photo of the groom and bride at the Brisbane wedding:

And one of them at the KL wedding (sorry, should have used red-eye reduction, I know):

The KL wedding was also the first wedding I've been to that featured a drinking competition: Australia vs. Malaysia:
First round--one jug of beer, went to to the Aussies...Oi Oi Oi!

Second round, vodka shots (notice them lined up all in a row)--to the Malaysians: Malaysia boleh and all that...

Third round, submarines (vodka shots in glasses of beer)--believe it or not, a draw. And in case anyone recognizes the Malaysian--that's our very own Derrick Kong from Cempaka:

The tie-breaker was back to vodka shots--and Malaysia won, but my camera ran out of batteries, so I have no photos of that!
hehe.. Brother still look the same. Congratsssss ROY!!!!
When its drinking, Malaysia always will win lah
Only for hard liquor. Australians win for beer. They like their beer.
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