This is no optical illusion - there was this GIANT inflated rugby ball which one of the event's organisers decided to throw at the spectators to keep us a bit distracted from the game!!! (Fijians are playing in the pitch)

Tunisians @ half time strategising. They lost unfortunately.

Kiwis - favourites to win - they have been series champions for the last 6 years. They lost to the Samoans who got into the finals against the Fijians.

Fijians - Series champions during the practice break. These are one bunch of FIT boys!
My fellow biatches,
It has been a loOOoonng time since anyone blogged, and I'm guessing work is the mother culprit of all. I have been pretty busy too - a certain person I had been working with suddenly took off (suspected nervous breakdown) and I was left to clear the shit. Three weeks of running around trying to make things work, I am NEARLY at the end of the job (but not quite seeing the light at the end of the tunnel) . I am looking forward to next Thurs, when I'm off to Turin, Italy to check out the shroud that Leornardo supposedly made, and just to relax and enjoy Italian coffee (whoop dee doo - nothing but a caffeine fix every hour!).
Last weekend was spent at the rugby stadium in Twickenham - home to the England rugby players. Alvin, his dad & I were there for an average of 9 hours for both Saturday & Sunday, from about 11am to 8pm, watching 24 matches in all. The Rugby 7's are quite good for rugby virgins because they sort of keep you at the edge of your seat - the games are all very fast, about 15 mins each as there are 7 to a team...I had quite a lot of fun and was surprised that I actually enjoyed my time there, cheering for the underdogs of all games and just listening to banter of the crowd...the atmosphere is definitely so different compared to when you watch it at home - granted, you don't get SUNNED on for 6 hours straight leaving you looking like a red lobster (the guys at work asked me whether i spent the whole weekend tanning myself on a sunbed!)....
The weather in London has been exceptionally good - it has been so warm for the past week and a half and although I would love for it to last, I absolutely feel like a baked potato when I'm travelling in the tube - it's about 5-10 degrees warmer down there in the tunnels, and 100% more stuffier. People have been fainting (these kwai los obviously cannot deal with heat) and we've been advised to keep a bottle of cold water with us when we're travelling in the tubes.
It's about 1130pm now, and I've got to get back to work before I my early start at work tomorrow (SIGH!)...I will leave you with a big "HELLO, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO?". This silence is NO GOOD. Al's last entry was about voting for some McPhee bird on American Idol!! C'mon guys, I'm sure you have something you want to tell your fellow biatches????