back in London - yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

my fellow biatches,
i am now back in London after what seemed like FOREVER - take it from me, looking after a sickly mom is very very very hard work. at times, i wished i was back at my desk, working. didn't really have 'me' time, which was what i was looking forward to since i was supposed to be on a break. but i guess the 'duty of a daughter' was top priority for the last 2 weeks and a bit and i am now totally KNACKERED.
my mom is now recuperating - there was a slight mishap post her surgery, which meant that she had to take the same flight as I to singapore (i use SIA to fly back to london now that MAS is not the best airlines in the world) and stayed in the hospital where she was operated for observation, but she is now in a stable condition. thank you all for your kind wishes throughout, and thinking of her during the whole course...
i DID have time though, to meet and catch up with val and esther (lara, no where to be seen or heard - she's really busy at work)...and we had good fun catching up on gossip (mostly about our love lives) and general chit chat, and me offloading about my mom's's so good to know that, after all these years, we can still talk to each other and not wonder what the hell we're all on about...

where the hell is esther looking?? FOCUS girl, FOCUS!!!!

yay! finally a 'proper' pic!!! ahahaha...i overdosed on virgin spanish strawberry slushes (they were sooOooo yummy. thanks, val for introducing them to me!!!)

esther & val feeling a bit cheeky.
we finally coaxed esther to start blogging - taught her how and she's got a draft blog somewhere. hopefully she'll start blogging soon!!!
i hope all are well. keep the blogs coming ok guys?
jetlagged and in need of a proper night's rest.

suan kept asking me 'what did you do? what did you do?' after every pic with her... well that's what i was doing... making farnee faces... he heh. you got the better, more fun pics in your cam lah suan.
you guys looked like you had too much fun!! How come i wasn't invited?!?!?!?!?!? As usual! Kekeke
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