B&J's on a Friday Night

I have never truly appreciated how a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie can really be a source of comfort until tonight. Lame isn't it? Had what must have been the worst couple of days by far at work - on top of suffering from insomnia as a result of which I completely lost my voice. But does that stop people from asking stupid questions at work? Clearly not! And the icing on the cake? Receiving the most disrespectful and inconsiderate email from a client person telling me that I do not how to do my job right! Things are still not all perfect but being able to vent to a sympathetic listening ear, a sushi dinner and B&J to end it off does help a lil...
Hope things are better with you fellow biatches.. ~Jian~
Ben & Jerry... YUMMSSS!!!
You're really beginning to enjoy chocolate huh. HEhe. If you can find it, you should really look out for Godiva's ice cream. Now THAT is rich!! Tops BJ in chocolateness anytime! :)
Hope you feel better too.. :)
i hope you bitch slap your client to next farking tuesday. seriously. i do not believe for once you are incompetent as your client is making you to be. you are great in your job, and you should know that. i hope you feel better too - important thing this weekend is for you to REST loads, drink loads of hot soup & REST REST REST more!!!!
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