my little incident
check in : Al
So. This isn't even funny. Things like these only become funny after the fact. And, i should point out, it was only 75% my fault (the 25% being my brother).
Last Sunday, was in my car getting ready to go out to the market with mum, when i realized something amiss - that being the key to the stering lock/club was missing. dang. (Before i go on, i should tell you that i had already misplaced the spare key when i first bought it in 99) And so, ran back to the house in a panic.... couldnt find the dang key of course (Used the Maxima to go out instead - with my brothers beady eyes staring down at me of course). So, spent a couple of days trying to look for the dumb key. A couple of days being 5 days that is. We wouldnt give in to the the FACT that the key is gone. Asked the TWO office janitor and the security guy (who looks like the guy from Green Mile btw) and the garage guy. Brother even posted up posters. All to look for the dumb key. Finally, we gave in on Wednesday. I called AAA asked them to come to fix this dumb problem. Of course AAA thought i had problems with my ignition and such - the usual car couldnt start problems. But nope, my problem was far stupider. (In the meantime, had a collegue from the office asking me to drive over the his house and he can somehow magically pry it open. HELLO! Stering lock!?!?! Gosh. Like i didnt have enough stress.)
And so, AAA came.. i should say the "special" locksmith guy came in his little AAA van, backed up near my car, whipped his AAA electric cutter thing out..asked for a wet towel to cover the stering from the sparks... starts zipping through the lock. In 30 seconds he's done. My stering lock is in two. Ask for the $20 payment (AAA pays $60 - Imagine, if i didnt have AAA, i'd have to pay $80 for 30 seconds work. !@#!!!!! What a rip off) and zips out. And that it.
Moral of the story. If you loose the spare key.. replace the dang stering lock. If still in the unlikely event become as dumb as me, REMEMBER, you need a wet towel to protect the seat too! (Have a little black mark on my seat now from the sparks. Luckily it's just the Accord. If it was the Maxima, i would have been skinned alive like those frogs i see in the Chinese supermarket.)
Of course, since my Honda got broken into once (some stupid cow tried to steal my car. Broke my ignition and everything.. but the stupid cow was not successful at it. Left a BIG mess for me to enjoy when i came back from KL last yeaR), my beloved brother insisted i get another stering lock immediately. Now I have a new $30 stering lock that is heavier then an anvil from Road Runner, summore got blinking red LED lights to stimulate a car alarm system. Heheheh. Are theives really that dumb? hehehehe..
Ok. Talk to u biatches later.
My AAA guy zipping through the lock.

My stering lock in two after 30 seconds. Makeme think.. does these things really work????

hey al - funny story - next time don't be such a dumb dumb.
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