Back home..

View from the Eiffel Tower, Paris
So.. am back in L.A. now. Am finally a little more settled. Been jet-lagged for a week! I've been sleeping at 8pm everyday and waking up at 3 to 4 am. Only last night did i finally force myself to sleep later and woke up at 5 am... which is my usual waking-up time. Am also finally more settled with work - and a little more caught up with work.
It was a great trip.. and a nice break from work. Been really hectic at work - especially the couple of weeks before i left for the holidays. We visited London to Cambridge to York to Beverly to Edinburgh to Musselburgh to Kent (which was 7 hours drive!) to Dover to Calais to Paris (4 nights) to Tours to smaller towns in the Loire Valley like Villandry, Chanonceau, Orleans, Chambord, Chatres and such then back to London. Will send you guys pictures!
Anyway, should go now.. talk to you guys later.

They have BARS at the Eiffel Tower now???? I don't remember there being bars there when I visited--more like a clear glass pane. WTF? How is one supposed to enjoy a bar-crossed view?
Thats cause you were a brat of a kid and you were in the indoor deck. This is the deck above it which is open. No glass. Lots of wind!
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