Biatchy Bloggers
Saturday, September 30, 2006
one more for the road...

after our weekly lip collagen shots - do we stand a chance of getting onto FHM now, dahling??

al can't make up her mind!!! - at 'de la creperie hampstead' for some good ol' fashioned french crepes

al the alcholic with her banana, dark choc & rum crepe.....

cannot wait to dig in - dark choc & banana - THE BEST combi for the this enough to entice you lot to london now??????
hope al & austin had a great time - have a safe flight back, guys... x

dumb & dumber (2)

Toilet antics #3 - perfecting the art of pouting

Toilet antics #4 - perfect pouts? there is a reason why we're not on the cover of FHM

Toilet antics #5 - having perfected the art of pouting we move on our dance routine
The WCs at the Trafalgar (swanky joint selling alcohol at rates where they might as well be robbing you) were the perfect place to show off our 'exhibitionist' sides. Good thing there weren't any witnesses to our antics - we were thisclose to being kicked out for being/acting too damn drunk for this established joint!
and sobered up to take this really good pic with sweet..

Al in London Oct 2006

Our ONLY 'proper' picture of the night - it goes downhill from here...

al was a bit tipsy, and i was just, um, being me...

Toilet antics #1 - feeling a bit bored in the loo

Toilet antics #2 - "i like big butts and i cannot lie..."
I feel like I'm talking to the walls these days looking at the (lack of) comments that you guys have been posting - WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE??
Al & Austin are around for a few days in London (last stop of their Europe tour after York, Edinburgh & France) doing the touristy thing and I'm sure, having lots of fun. Good thing for Al that Austin's around - she is one hopeless biatch when it comes to navigation (she could get lost IN a tube station). She ONLY remembers anything and everything to do with food!! She even forgot that I'm a teetotaller - poor Austin had to lug back 2 bottles of bubbly champagne from France because Al bought it to celebrate my birthday. Poor dude.
Met up with Al & Austin (& Melissa, Ian & Ong) for dins @ Chinatown (Al & Austin were probably too tired of rich French cuisine) yesterday - you can see from the pics the night went progressively downhill as Al downed the alcohol and I was just getting high on air. Needless to say we both had a great time. I shall post more pics separately (blardy picassa only allows you to upload 4 at a time) so that you can see what stupid antics we were up to!
Wherever the hell you guys are, I hope you are keeping well and enjoying life.
x suannie

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
hova! hova! hova! hova!

Best pic of the lot - Jay-Z & his 99 Problems

but his Biatch ain't one..."OH oh OH Oh OH got me looking crazy right now!"

Jay-z & one of his sidekicks

Totally chuffed at the end of the night!!! The £55 was WELL WORTH IT!
I just back from seeing Jay-z & his crew live @ the Royal Albert Hall and am totally energised right now, I can't sleep! I guess you can tell that I had a great time!!! The audience was GREAT - very responsive, rapping & dancing the whole night long (ok, maybe not dancing, more like BOUNCING - 'i say bounce wid me bounce wid me')...Jay-Z had a few sidekicks for most of the night (Nas, Memphis Bleek & opening act gang such as Kano & Akala) and I think it probably wouldn't have been that good a concert had he been alone. His 'Hustler Symphony Orchestra' & DJ Green Lantern held their own too! There were also surprise appearances from Chris Martin & wifey Gwyneth Paltrow who can surprisingly sing (no rapping from Gwynnie - she did back up), and i've-got-thunder-thighs-but-i-can-shake-my-big-booty-Beyonce, so I got repaid a few times over the £55 I paid for the ticket !!
I was kept entertained throughout and found myself bouncing and shouting "hova! hova! hova!" (one of Jay-z's other nicks, after "jay-hova") & swaying my arms high in the air , I think Alvin was quite surprised (don't think he's seen me in my 'dancing queen mode' before- maybe a good thing!). I'm still kicking myself for not bringing my camera though - blardy RAH was supposedly very strict with their 'No cameras' rule but every DeShawn, Dewayne & Laetitia were going trigger happy tonite. Well at least my phone camera did me proud today and took some reasonable pics for you guys to have a look at!
can i get a 'what what' suannie (bounce wid me bounce wid me)

Sunday, September 24, 2006
28 going on 16
baaa baaa white (dog?)

The sheep that thinks it's a dog - let's name him FluffyBallz

Wandering in the farm with my pink wellies & the lovely man

Having a go on the 40-year old tractor - I can be a farmer!!

'I wandered lonely as a cloud'...who said clouds were lonely!! What a glorious day...
My fellow biatches - Thank you thank you thank you for all the birthday (and unbirthday in J's case) wishes !!! It was so thoughtful of you busy lot to call and send me the text messages/emails/cards/pressies. So thanks again for remembering.
Seeing that I had been working my arse off, A decided to reward me with a weekend trip to a farm near Oxford (not for the faint hearted) as a birthday pressie in hopes that I get to have some relaxation. The weather was so perfect throughout (although it did rain Malaysian-monsoon style all of Saturday night). We had great fun making friends with the farm owner's dogs & hens (the horses were kept quite far away) and some random sheep (Fluffyballz) which acted more like a dog. Fluffyballz was christened as such because (surprise! surprise) it had the largest and fluffiest knackers we had ever seen on any living creature!!! haha...I had such a relaxing weekend and didn't want the it to end, but alas, I have to work to pay the bills etc, so here I am, back in mad London...
Meeting up with Al during the latter part of the week - she's somewhere in Europe now, doing her annual touristy thing...will update you lot when we finally meet!
x suannie

Friday, September 22, 2006
Well, this really has been Allison's thing, but since she's rendezvous-ing in Europe, she probably doesn't have e-mail access or the time to do this. So:
(Were this done by Al, it would have a nifty graphic etc., but you all know that I failed art throughout school, so no such thing will be attempted here. But I'll leave you with a favourite passage of mine from Alice in Wonderland):
"I mean, what is an un-birthday present?"
"A present given when it isn't your birthday, of course."
Alice considered a little. "I like birthday presents best," she said at last.
"You don't know what you're talking about!" cried Humpty Dumpty. "How many days are there in a year?"
"Three hundred and sixty-five," said Alice.
"And how many birthdays have you?"
Have a great day, Suan--but have a great 364 other un-birthdays also.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
28 and lovin' it

hey girls... since most of you guys are not around, except for val and esta...

3 flamings, 2 cocktails, 2 wines later that night and i was wobbling down the stairs. Thanks to esta (and kevin) i got home safely. and got lovely perfume from val and about 5 pairs of earrings from other friends (i think my earring count has reached 50 plus pairs by now).

wan chin organised the whole thing, and it was great - i remembered most of the night, but just not in order... would have been great to have you girls there, but knowing us, we would have made hell a 'lotta noise and gottten kicked out! and if history repeats itself, jian would have been blamed for it!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Suannie the football hooligan

(super) frank lampard takes the corner

chelsea team regroup after their 2nd goal

mad chelsea fans - can you spot suannie???
biatches - with the exception of dear ol aliku and jian, WHERE the hell has everyone been?? i have been quite busy with (eek!) work. i know, i know, 'no excuses' right? well it wasn't just work - my mom and aunt (which means double dose of madness) came to visit me for about 2 and half weeks and just left about a week you can say that i've been kept busy with them too...alas, i got my freedom back and became a football hooligan during the weekend. it was the first ever football (or them american gits like aliku may refer to the game as 'soccer') game i went to was quite an experience - towards the end of it, i joined in and started chanting 'super super frank super frankie lampard' with the rest of the chelsea fans!!! i can say now that it's well addictive!!! it was really fun too. i never realised how much frustration i had to vent (largely due to - you guessed it, yep! mom & aunt visiting!!) until the game!! i totally suggest a good session of shouting till you lose your voice completely (OK, maybe leave some of your voice for dealing with phonecalls and general conversation, and in j's case, tutorials)..
time to sign off. suannie is totally without voice but totally happy with it!